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Spatialising the Jungian Archetypes


This exploration was concerned with how object can be working in support of the mind and body. I was interested in the way that tactile objects worked to choreograph the body. As we are forced to engage with small objects we start to engage with child-like play whereby we start to touch and arrange these objects working to distract the mind. This came out of the Covid-19 pandemic and as I started to understand the fear surrounding this time I was interested in how the object could start to support the mind through dealing with stress. This project was inspired by Tools for Therapy by Nicole Bodewes.


The objects worked to support the mind through opening up during therapy with the objects becoming tools for communication. As I was developing ideas of support, I wanted to open this up to object as a way of thinking about the possibilities of support. Bodewes' project took inspiration from the Jungian Archetypes and Carl Jung's theory. I started to read into this to understand the theory and then spatialise the archetypes. I felt that these became very representational which was difficult to avoid when creating something that is symbolic. However this was important to my research as I started to understand how it also affected aspects of design through things like Hero products. 


The Mother

The Mother Archetype is both comforting and nurturing. I have used model-making to spatialise this concept. To me these objects are starting to house smaller objects or sit within each other showing the 'Motherly' figure.

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The Hero

The 'Hero archetype' is spatialised through the object on the left which seems to stretch beyond its means bearing the weight of other objects. I imagine the hero as a subject that supports other objects as well as transformative. The object on the right looks at an object that towers over other objects and therefore in a way seems to be a greater force.

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The Trickster

The 'trickster archetype' I have created is spatialised through a smooth surface and a textured surface. These two contrasting surfaces are only revealed through moving around the object thinking about how something can seem as one thing yet can be another.

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The Lover

The Lover Archetype is explored through two subjects sitting within each other. I was thinking about how two things can become a whole. The concept of negative space was also something I though about in relation to 'comfort' as it can develop as a feeling of being closed in.


The collection

The collection thus far is exploring how to spatialise the Carl Jung theory of the archetypes. I felt that this exploration became representational as I started to attempt to spatialise the objects I felt that they became more representational.

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